
Showing posts from August, 2018

On Failure

For the longest part of my life, I used to be obsessed with perfection. This affected how I did my work, how I related to my loved ones that is family, friends and workmates. I would most often than not get worked up or stressed out if things didn't go exactly as per the specified details. Perfectionism had gotten the best of me. Brene' Brown, in her book Daring Greatly argued that perfectionism doesn't exist because nothing can ever be perfect. It is more like what the writer of the book ecclesiastes refers to as chasing after the wind. Indeed attaining of perfection is chasing after the wind as it only leaves one drained and worn out. In my journey I discovered that claiming to be a perfectionist is a cover up for fear of failure. Fear of failure can rob one the opportunity of gaining experience which will result to growth. Fear of failure can tomment a person so bad that it can rob one the privilege of trying something new. I have learned to embrace failure the ha...

On Happiness

There are countless of quotes about happiness, from those stating that happiness is a choice to those concluding that one must find it.Ryuho Okawa argues that we cannot determine happiness as a result of something happening to us. Over the years,  l have come to learn that happiness is but a journey and not a destination.  Happiness is a journey towards self actualization, self assessment and self efficacy. It is a processes where one must travel internally and work on their belief and mindset.  To get to a destination, one must travel and during the trip one will experience a whole lot of different adventures of which constitutes the make up of the whole process of the journey. And so it is with happiness, along the way,one will experience the highest of highs and also the lowest of lows. Amazingly, it is all part of the journey. It is all part of the bigger picture which we cannot get nor understand until all the missing pieces are in place and the puzzle is solve...