It All Works Together For Your Good

Does it really? One may ask. Yes it does! Well, eventually, when all the missing pieces of the puzzle fit in together perfectly. Recently, the organization I worked with underwent organization restructuring which led to the company downsizing and I was amongst the first lot that went home. When I was first issued with the letter of notice, I was in shock not that I had not seen it coming but the realization that it was real just paralyzed me. I went through a phase of mixed emotions, from denial all the way through to acceptance. Surprisingly, it is worth noting that during that same period that the retrenchment came about was when I had dedicated myself mostly to constant praying which included praying for my career progression as I had felt stagnant. The answer to my prayer was a notice of retrenchment. I remember sharing that with a close friend and all we could do was laugh our lungs out. In the midst of confusion, all I could do was but laugh. There was always a grea...