Toot Your Own Horn

I came across an article that stated that many of us based on our backgrounds have been raised to believe that blowing ones trumpet is a wrong thing. We have been conditioned to only one side of the coin and as a result, growing up we have been forced to wear this garment of humility that works to our disadvantage. We have been forced to believe that those who actually do blow their own trumpet are proud, bad or evil.

Macmillan dictionary has defined blowing ones trumpet as “to emphasize your own achievements and successes to other people” I could define this in simple terms to mean self-promotion.  It is simply selling your own brand to the market out there. Is there anything wrong about that? Definitely not, because for the world to know what you have to offer they must hear it from you. Only you can promote yourself. Only you can make the world believe that you have something that could help them solve their problem. Only you have the power to sell you.

I have come to realize that many opportunities have passed me by because I did not sell my brand to those I came across or interacted with. Simply because I thought that would be blowing my own trumpet which I have been accustomed to believe is wrong. Another reason is fear of what people would think of me when I spoke about my achievements and skills. Sadly, I also came to realize that by being quiet I also failed to assist someone who could have used my expertise to solve their problem.

Today I make a conscious decision to toot my own horn whenever I get an opportunity because it is my duty to let as many people as possible know what I have to offer, that way I will not only enrich lives but also enrich myself.


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