
I once read a quote from Neville Goddard that went like this “Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. I stopped reading and paused for a moment to reflect. The moment turned into an hour, then into a day, and into months and to this day I still ponder as to what this phrase means. If Neville would have been still alive, I would not have hesitated to send him an email. He would have been the best person to solve my puzzle.

One day, as I was checking myself in the mirror I realized that it gave me the reflection of who I was at that moment. If I was sad the mirror would reflect a sad face. If I was calm the mirror reflected a calm person.  If I had a mold the mirror would reflect that mold. If I was a plus size the mirror would reflect the plus size. If I was thin then the mirror would reflect my visible bones.  At the same time, the mirror had a way of reflecting that which appeared wrong for instance a pimple, a wrinkle, stretch marks, cellulite and the list is endless. Additionally, it would reflect your positives for instance your cute smile, your fine skin etc. The job of the mirror is to reflect back that which is displayed before it and nothing more. It goes to show that the mirror is limiting.

I also noted that you determine your attitude based on what you see on the reflection. If you feel good about yourself it doesn’t matter what the mirror reflects back to you because deep down you know who you are. When a person stands before the mirror and speaks to oneself, the mirror does not speak back. However, in that instant that one affirms to oneself, something begins to happen from the inside. One begins to develop a new perception. In other words, ones thoughts play a major role in one’s life. You determine how your face looks like and not the mirror. You determine what you will be and not the mirror. You determine the status of your mood and not the mirror. Hence it is okay to say throw away that mirror and change the person you are. Do not let the reflection limit what you can become. The current reflection is not final.

The world in the same way has its own way of doing things and is filled up with rules of what is wrong and what is right and at times it is so confusing. Take for instance ethics. You may find that, that which is morally wrong in one country is very much accepted in another country. Laws are also different from one country to another. Amazingly, even without these man made laws and ethical standards, man is born with a conscience. That is the inner voice that acts as a guide to what is right or wrong in one’s behavior. Meaning the world shouldn’t confuse you on what is morally acceptable or not because deep down you as an individual you can feel it.

There are so many ways of viewing this quote and if you take time to reflect on it, you will realize that your perception towards yourself and life changes. You only need to be aware.


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