You Are My Rest

There are 36 definitions of love according to urban dictionary. Psychology has also documented several definitions of love. In scriptures, there are over 98 verses that mention love.  Love just like beauty is dependent on an individual perception, thus I would argue that there is no one general definition of love.  Oxford dictionary has classified Love as a noun to mean “An intense feeling of deep affection” and as verb to describe “Feel deep affection or sexual love for (someone)”

Paul in scriptures defines love as being patient, kind and not envious, as being one that does not boast nor show pride. He goes ahead to state that it doesn’t dishonor nor is it self-seeking. It is not easily angered and does not keep record of wrongs. He goes ahead to say that love does not delight in evil but that it rejoices with the truth. He adds on that love protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres, always.

In simple words love could mean, to be at home with a person.  I love the sound of that because home is where one lives permanently (Oxford dictionary). One will know that they have found true love when they feel at home with a person, when they feel that they belong. In the presence of true love one can confidently say “YOU ARE MY REST”

Paul relates the relationship between a husband and a wife with that of Christ and the church. The church in Christ is at home just as man and woman should be. They should find rest in one another. When you find your rightful partner you have found your rest.


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