I Will

I will make it. I will go there. I will achieve this. I will do that. I will survive. I will live. These are some of, amongst the many phrases one can say to oneself with great confidence and  most often than not when one confesses to the fact that they WILL, it so happen that they actually do. Theron Dumont once said that you can be if you will to be, for will can find a way or make one. In other words to will to do something is a choice one makes from within. One would either allow the diviner self to control or let the brute within to take hold. (Theron T Dumont)

When one learns to master the art of I WILL, they find out that life can be very simple and pleasant.  It is a journey that requires a lot of concentration in that man has to learn to connect with the mind, body and soul.

In the bible, the book of Romans chapter 12 and verse 2 talks about us  not conforming to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. God requires that we have the will power which is said to be a better asset than money.

I have the power to do and to be whatever I wish to do and be. I WILL!


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