On Kindness

Steven Bartlett once said that if you want to change the world or rather your own world then you ought to start by being kinder to yourself. What does this mean? One may ask. I would say that it is more related to the phrase charity begins at home and in this case it should begin in the heart.

What is the condition of our heart? What is the status of our inner being? What do we allow to take precedence in our thoughts? What do we feed our inner man?

Someone once said that you cannot give what you do not have. In other words one cannot emit kindness if they have never experienced kindness within. One might question what does it mean to experience kindness within. Well it would mean that we ought to stop being too harsh with ourselves and learn to exercise gentleness towards ourselves.
Forgive ourselves alot more. Speak positive about ourselves alot more. Pamper ourselves alot more. Re-evaluate ourselves alot more and the list is endless.

When you encounter people who are unkind most often than not it is due to the pain, jealousy, resentment and anger they have harboured inside. However, we ought to show kindness towards such people. And how can we manage to do so? The only way one can be kind to the unkind despite of their treatment is when the status of ones inner being is nourished with kindness. How can the unkind rise above the past hurt, pain or disappointment? Well in my journey i have learnt that the unkind can be freed from past pain if they would learn to not be anxious of anything but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,  they would present their requests to God.


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